Hogmanay 2020. What a year! This is my third attempt at this post. The other two were a bit too deep and moody so I scrapped them. Basically, what I want to say when we get to be around our loved ones properly again hug them a little tighter, hold them a little longer and tell or show them you love them a little more often. Take nothing and no one for granted in this or any of the years ahead.
So rather than getting soulful and melancholy, I want to know what your plans for 2021 are. How do you plan to shake off 2020 and move forward?
My plan for 2021 was to try and set up my photography as a nice wee sideline for some extra money. But having found myself out of a job this year, like thousands of others, I am now counting on getting things up and running hopefully as a proper business as it will be my only income after June. I also plan to be spending more time with family now that we’re all together again – long story.
I hope that whatever 2021 has in store for you that it treats you with kindness and sees us all back here again in 12 months from now happier and healthier.
So let us raise a glass (got Irn Bru Extra in mine, living the wild life lol) and say good riddance to 2020 and hello to 2021. Cheers!
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